Top Travel Prams – Have Pram Will Travel…

Travelling with a tot is both rewarding and…. chaotic, strenuous, tiresome, challenging…

BUT never fear there are ways to make the whole process run more smoothly!

Although it can be tough at times, the rewards of quality time and watching your little ones face light up as they explore the new world around them makes it all worthwhile. We have gathered a quick list of Baby Junctions top travel prams to aid you in your travels!

Mountain Buggy Nano-Duo
The Mountain Buggy Nano
Britax Zapo
Baby Jogger City Tour

All of the above and more available from:

Baby Junction 

365 Magill Road, ST Morris

Monday 10am – 4:30pm
Tuesday 10am – 4:30pm
Wednesday 10am – 4:30pm
Thursday 10am – 7pm
Friday 10am – 4:30pm
Saturday 10am – 5pm
Closed Sunday & Public Holidays


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Safe sleep, on-the-go

Did you know covering a pram with a dry muslin or blanket can increase the temperature inside the pram by almost four degrees Celsius? Enter Baby Sleep Pods! Designed by Aussie mum, Carlene Rotblat, this genius pram cover allows air through while blocking 97 per cent of light!

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