Strapsicle: The Kindle accessory making reading effortless for mums

Imagine this: you're a new mum, juggling the challenges of breastfeeding and trying to find moments of relaxation. You reach for your beloved Kindle e-reader to escape into a world of books, but then it happens—an unfortunate accident involving your precious device and your little bundle of joy.

“I dropped a Kindle on my newborn’s head: now I’m making six figures”

That’s exactly what happened to Lou Rice, a new mum from Sydney. But instead of dwelling on the mishap, Lou and her partner Ben decided to turn it into an opportunity to help others in similar situations. And that’s how Strapsicle, the innovative Kindle accessory, was born.

Ben recalls the incident vividly: “During those first few months breastfeeding Archie, Lou would pass the time reading on her Kindle.

One fateful night she fell asleep, the Kindle slipped out of her hand and onto Archie’s head.

They’re both screaming, so I came in and consoled everyone. Archie was fine, but I saw this as a problem that needed to be solved.”

Determined to prevent such accidents from happening again, Ben took matters into his own hands. By the next evening, he had fashioned a makeshift silicone strap that securely held the Kindle in place. And just like that, Lou never dropped her Kindle again. But they didn’t stop there. They realised that other people were facing the same issue and saw an opportunity to make a difference.

Strasicle for Kindle


After countless iterations and prototypes, Strapsicle became a reality. This unique Kindle holder comes as a set of two high-grade silicone straps, specially designed to suit both left and right-handed readers. It’s a game-changer for new parents like Lou, who value the ability to do things with one hand. Lou explains, “The one thing you value more than anything as a new mum is what you can do with one hand. This makes reading effortless, which is great because everything else is such an effort as a new mum.”

What sets Strapsicle apart is that there’s nothing else like it on the market. It has been expertly designed with the perfect amount of tension to fit comfortably on hands of all sizes. With 13 vibrant colour options, three different sizes, and a dust-resistant coating, Strapsicle not only prevents dropped devices and reduces hand cramps but also opens up the joy of reading on a Kindle to a whole new group of people.


Kindle strap

Lou shares, “The elderly, people who’ve got arthritis, or nerve damage, cerebral palsy, we had no idea we could make a difference for people who like that.” The impact of Strapsicle goes beyond convenience; it brings the joy of reading back to those who thought it was no longer accessible. Lou recounts a heartfelt message they received from a customer with cerebral palsy who said, “Strapsicle has just made my life so much easier. I can enjoy reading my Kindle again.” It’s messages like these that keep Lou and Ben motivated, despite the late nights and early mornings they’ve spent working on their business while juggling parenthood and other responsibilities.

In just a year, Lou has grown the business while managing her part-time advertising job and taking care of little Archie. Strapsicle’s success is undeniable—it launched on Amazon in the United States in November of last year and has generated six figures in just six months. It has also earned the coveted title of Amazon’s ‘Choice’ for e-reader accessories.

Lou acknowledges that the journey hasn’t been easy, but she has found immense support from a vibrant community of female entrepreneurs. She highlights, “It’s not easy; juggling a job, being a mother, and also trying to build a business. But there’s a fabulous community of female entrepreneurs I’ve discovered who really go out of their way to help women who are starting on the journey. Being able to lean on them for advice and support has been brilliant. I couldn’t have done this without that network. And Ben of course.”

And it’s just the beginning.

“We’ve had so many requests to expand Strapsicle to other tech accessories. We know people have their phones in their hands all day, so we’ll be starting with smartphones and the iPad mini,” she said.

For more information on Strapsicle:

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