New toothpaste for kids with sensory needs

A naturally flavoured, zero-mint kids' toothpaste brand is helping children build confidence, establish lifelong healthy brushing habits, and create enjoyable routines with their families.

Australian brand, Bumbl Co is making brushing teeth fun for kids with sensory challenges. How? The mint-free forumullatin is gentle on gums, with each flavur paired with lovable characters to making the morning and evening task less scary.

Meet Monster Melon, Bumbl Gum, and Strawberry Shake!

Formulated by two health professionals, the toothpaste was specifically developed for children with special needs, addressing the sensory sensitivities that can make oral care a challenge.

Bumbl Co. founder and oral health therapist, Joe, says good oral hygiene should be “fun”.

“We’ve developed this range of sensory-friendly toothpaste for kids,” he says.

The idea for Bumbl Co. came from Joe’s experiences with young patients who weren’t fans of the traditional minty toothpaste.

You can read a basic run-down (without the jargon!) of the Bumbl Co. ingredients here.


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