BebeLuxe: The MOTHER of invention

Like so many mums before her, Founder of Bebeluxe, Katie Bode, found herself struggling to properly cover capsules and prams adequately, keeping baby safe from germs and out of the elements. Not to mention the not insignificant task of being able to breastfeed discreetly in public. After years of personal experience, followed by extensive planning and design, in lieu of finding an existing solution, Katie created her own; in the form of the Bebe Luxe Multi-Use cover.

Local Love: Making motherhood more practical with Bebe Luxe

They say necessity is the mother of invention, and in the case of Bebe Luxe, this was quite literally the case.

Bebe Luxe founder and mum of four beautiful children, Katie Bode, experienced firsthand the many challenges of becoming a parent, along with the slow and inevitable discovery of what works and, perhaps more importantly, what doesn’t.

Bebe Luxe Katie Bode

The BebeLuxe Multi-Use Cover

Like so many mums before her, Katie found herself struggling to properly cover capsules and prams adequately, keeping baby safe from germs and out of the elements. Not to mention the not insignificant task of being able to breastfeed discreetly in public.

After years of personal experience, followed by extensive planning and design, in lieu of finding an existing solution, Katie created her own; in the form of the Bebe Luxe Multi-Use cover.

bebeluxe multi use cover

For feeding

When breastfeeding, the Bebe Luxe Cover provides mum with 360° privacy, protects your baby from the elements and helps minimise distraction.


For coverage

As a capsule or pram cover, the Bebe Luxe Cover also protects your baby from the elements, keeps them snug and secure and provides them with a physical barrier from unwanted touching and germs.

For style

Katie designed the Bebe Luxe Cover not only with the aim of making motherhood more practical but also to complement the everyday outfits of the modern mum. Choosing fabric that strayed for traditional baby colours and prints, the Bebe Luxe Cover patterns are handcrafted, unique and individual and made out of premium quality, ethically sourced bamboo fabric, safe for babies.


The BebeLuxe multi-use cover starts at $49.95.

For more information:

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