Children needed for sore throat study

Researchers from the Women’s and Children’s Health Network/Ngangkitya ngartu itya kangkawardli, are inviting children to take part in an Australian-first study examining the cause of sore throats in children.

This new study will help researchers learn more about how many children and young people are getting sore throats, what causes them, and how sore throats change during different seasons.

The study will also examine how this bacterial infection can be treated without the use of antibiotics.

Importantly, it is hoped that information from the study will be an important first step in finding a vaccine against Strep A, putting an end to painful strep throat.

Strep A usually causes mild infections in adults and children but can be associated with a very painful sore throat known as strep throat. If left untreated, the bacteria can lead to the development of severe disease which can result in heart and kidney failure.

Strep A infections are also a major cause of illness and death in Australia and globally, with hundreds of millions of people affected every year. The Strep A bacteria are the fifth most common cause of infection-related mortality in the world after HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, and pneumococcal disease.

The study is a joint venture between the Women’s and Children’s Health Network, Perth’s Telethon Kids Institute and Melbourne’s Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.

Women’s and Children’s Health Network Clinical Research Director Professor Helen Marshall, AM said, “We are reaching out to parents who want to be part of changing the future of Strep A infections in children. Throat infections can be incredibly distressing for children, and adults, particularly those who are prone to them.”

“We are particularly interested to find out which sore throats are caused by the Strep A bacteria. Strep A infection can be treated with antibiotics which can help prevent the bacteria from causing more severe disease that may result in both heart and kidney failure,” Professor Marshall added.

Ultimately, the findings from this study will provide the necessary information about Strep throats inchildren to assist with development of a vaccine against Strep A.

The Women’s and Children’s research team is looking for children and young people aged between three and 14 years to take part in the study, which can be conducted either on-site or virtually at home.

Participants need to be generally healthy and do not have to be prone to throat infections.

South Australians can get involved by contacting the STAMPS study team based at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital via phone: 08 8161 6328 or email:

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