SA public school closures amidst teachers strike

South Australian public school teachers are set to strike tomorrow resulting in 167 public school closures.

South Australian public school teachers that are Australian Education Union members are taking industrial action tomorrow, Friday 1 September 2023, resulting in public school closers.

The majority of public schools and preschools will be operating as normal or with modified learning programs. However, the Department for Education has provided a list of 167 government schools and preschools that will be closed due to the industrial action.

The Department for Education stated that schools and preschools will be notifying parents and carers directly and are available to answer any questions they may have. So it’s wise to contact your child’s school if you are uncertain if this affects you and your family.

Every site, regardless as listed as a closure, will have a staff member onsite to ensure no child is turned away if they are dropped off unexpectedly.

Pupil free days had already been planned for tomorrow at a number of public schools. These schools would have communicated well in advance to families to  ensure alternative care arrangements were planned for their children.

Tomorrow thousands of public school teachers and educators will be taking action to secure a deal that provides real workload relief and long-overdue support for students.

President of the Australian Education Union Andrew Gohl says “every day, over 35,000 South Australian students are going without a consistent teacher. It is a crisis affecting schools and preschools right across our state”

Teachers, leaders and support staff are doing their best to paper over the cracks and keep the system running, but this treatment cannot go on.

“We’ve said consistently that this is not just about pay. It’s about providing a set of working conditions that ensure our educators can provide the very best for South Australian students.

“We care deeply about the education of children, and that’s why this action is so important. We’re asking for patience and support while we fight for your child’s future”, says Andrew.

Parents, students, and members of the community are invited to stand together with teachers at 11 am on the Parliament House steps tomorrow, Friday 1 September.

To find out what schools are closing due to industrial action:


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