MEET: Amelia Ryan – The Breast is Yet to Come

Life’s a Messy Cabaret

Amelia Ryan, cabaret’s princess of parody, has graced the stages of New York, London and Edinburgh, with her award-winning shows. Now showcasing her talents at the Adelaide Fringe Festival in The Breast is Yet to Come, Amelia will also be juggling her most creative (and demanding) role yet, motherhood! We had a chat to Amelia for some comedic words of wisdom.

What are you most looking forward to at the Fringe?
Getting back onto the stage! I’ve been in full-time Mum mode for the past three months, complete with greasy hair and spew-stained activewear. I can’t wait to be in my sequins, having a sing and a laugh (at my own expense).

How are you coping with juggling touring and being a new mum?
When the baby goes to sleep (sorry, IF the baby goes to sleep), it’s game on. Gone are the days of mindless procrastination. Now I nervously rush through the to-do list until the tiny dictator baby wakes.

If the chance arose, describe what a baby free night would look like for you?
Firstly, putting the baby to bed (and leaving him with my Mum), hastily driving to a nearby restaurant, over-enthusiastically downing a few glasses of wine, staring at my phone in case Mum rings, texting her halfway through the night to ‘check in’, rushing back home because I miss him (only to find him sound asleep) and then hoping I haven’t drunk too much to compromise safe breastfeeding.

How do your shows help other mums who are similarly imperfect?
We’re flooded with picture perfect images of motherhood on social media. I’m very honest and irreverent, from fanny farts in post-natal yoga to dripping breasts in the post office cue, I tell it like it is.

Describe your parenting style in four words.
Loving, creative, spontaneous, and obsessive.

If you could tell pre-baby Amelia something, what would it be?
It’s not as bad as you think it’ll be. Except for the poonami’s. They’re bad.

What’s the funniest thing your baby has ever done?
He sings! Well, tries to. Truly, whenever I sing to him, he musters up all this energy and throws all of these hilarious noises back at me…oohs, ahhhs, shrieks. It’s adorable. And occasionally, accidentally, on pitch.

Are you listening to any good podcasts or reading any good books?
HAHAHAHA, that’s hilarious. I NEED MORE TIME.


Amelia Ryan – The Breast is Yet to Come
February 24, 25
March 3, 4 ,10, 11
Spiegel Zelt at Gluttony


Instagram: @ameliaryan

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